KidSwap Consignment Store App
Visual Design, UI/UX, Prototyping, User Research, Usability TestingKidSwap is a team project which is a consignment store app for sellers. Based on the store manager’s interview, the biggest issue with the consignment process was customers don’t remember when to pick up their items when they’re expired and the manager will have to remind them. So we came up with a reminder mobile app so sellers can keep track of their consigned items and be reminded when they’re sold or due for pick up. In addition to items tracking, this app also keeps track of payment history as well as storing receipt and contract. The prototype to this project is available here. Besides myself, credits are due to the following individuals: Claire Bernier and Madison Chavez.

Initial Sketches / Wireframe

Card Sorting

User Stories

Flow Chart / Diagram

Sample of Usability Testing Script